The Cunning of Humility

Humility is about putting others above yourself. And when you look up to someone, you listen. When I listen, I get to know you, sometimes better than you know yourself. Boxer’s Benevolence Knowledge is power, and never more powerful than in the ring. In a sport marked by self-promotion and audacious vanity, there is a hiddenContinue reading “The Cunning of Humility”

Relevant Nostalgia

The difference between Classic and Antique is that Classic sticks to its roots and continues to produce good fruit, while Antiques think their roots alone are enough to spread their seed. The Sony Walkman went on sale in 1979 and revolutionized the portable electronics industry and the way the world consumes music. Shorty after, the Discman was released in 1984. Then…Continue reading “Relevant Nostalgia”

What Words Can’t Say For Themselves

What photography is to mountains, what cooking is to collard greens and what movies are to acting, is what typography is to writing. They perpetuate greatness. Typography is the style and appearance of printed matter; the art of arranging type. It comes after the writing is written, but not after the craft is completed. BeforeContinue reading “What Words Can’t Say For Themselves”

When Advertising Crosses the Line

  When advertising enriches our lives it transcends itself and becomes independently valuable. Would you ever buy an advertisement? – not the product being advertised, but the advertisement its self.  Would you ever use an advertisement? – not to start a fire or as a coupon, but use it. The answer is yes. In the lateContinue reading “When Advertising Crosses the Line”

Villainous Charm

Heroes may be simply good, but the greatest villains are never simply evil. All-bad all the time is boring and predictable, not to mention unbelievable. A man is only as great as the obstacles he overcomes, as heroes are only as great as the villains they conquer. Adversity defines courage and a villain defines aContinue reading “Villainous Charm”

The Danger of Research

  Storytelling, just like advertising, is an art, not a science. “Logic is one of the great obstacles to progress.” – Bill Bernbach Despite what we may think, we are not rational beings; we are curious creatures with illogical behaviors. In fact, we are defined by our idiosyncrasies and unique ambitions – our quirks giveContinue reading “The Danger of Research”

Relevant Intangibles

We live our lives in a series of small stories; the morning routine, the commute, the daily grind and the battles of the weekend warrior are all roles we play that collectively make up our lives. We don’t live in a series of unrelated events; we live in context. Anecdotes, short stories about real people,Continue reading “Relevant Intangibles”

Routine Hero

People have generous hearts, and lazy feet. If you want my charity, make it easy and pat me on the back.  Almap BBDO in Sao Paulo, developed a campaign called “Half for Happiness” to feed hungry people in Brazil’s poorest neighborhoods. The campaign partnered a charity organization and local grocery stores. They took popular products,Continue reading “Routine Hero”

Yet to be Realized Greatness

Some stories are captivating because of what someone has done, others because of what someone may become. In February, Leo Burnett Toronto created an awareness campaign for homeless youth. Potential was their rallying cry. The potential in a potato, in curb-side furniture and in a withered house plant. “If you can see potential in anContinue reading “Yet to be Realized Greatness”

The Humor in Hitchcock

Every great story contains dichotomy – complementary contradiction. Alfred Hitchcock did this masterfully. He is known for his horror, but humor was one of his greatest tools. “Puns are the greatest form of literature” he insisted. He employed satire to set up suspense and parody to provide panic in order to tease the viewer’s emotionalContinue reading “The Humor in Hitchcock”